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What to consider when buying a crystal

The fact of the matter is.. crystal shops are everywhere now. Crystals are so available you can find them almost anywhere, from Indigo to a small metaphysical shop down the road - and with all these options I find it so important to buy from a seller who's energy you can connect with. The top three green flags to look for when crystal shopping is how the crystals are cared for (how their displayed), does the shop owner show passion & interest when discussing their products to you? And most importantly ASK QUESTIONS! It is so important to know where your crystals are sourced from, if you don't ask questions you will have no way of knowing if their ethically sourced or even real to begin with.

Cleansing your crystals once their home

Everyone who touches, holds or is around those crystals imprints their own special energy onto them, which is why it is so important to cleanse your crystals once you have purchased. So, when should you cleanse your crystals? Whenever your crystals are looking dusty or worn - or when you just feel like it needs to be! I also suggest cleansing before and after you have worked with them or when someone else has been touching them.

Cleansing rituals

Monthly Moonbaths

• Moonlight is ultra super- charging and safe for all your magical minerals! New & full moons are especially recharging

Placing your crystals outside where moonlight will touch them or even in a windowsill (safest option) for some metallic minerals tend to rust when in contact with water (if it rains etc)


(My personal favourite)

• Burning herbs & Incense are known to cleanse and purify energy. My favourite being Nag Champa, Juniper, Patchouli and Sandalwood. Palo Santo & Sage are also amazing and very popular, however both of these are endangered native plants so please source them sustainably


• Music provides vibrational waves that harmonize the energy of everything it touches.

Chanting, using a singing bowl, or even playing your favourite songs are great for your crystals!


• Place your crystals in soil or some houseplants, leave them for at-least one night (or however long feels right to you). Earthing is also an amazing method to use with crystals that have grounding properties such as: Smokey Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Agate, Hematite & Jasper

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