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Crystal Dictionary

Rose Quartz

  • Meaning: Rose quartz, often referred to as the "Heart Stone," symbolizes unconditional love and infinite peace, fostering deep inner healing and self-love.

  • Healing Properties: This crystal has the power to enhance positive affirmations, restore trust and harmony in relationships, and aid in emotional healing.

  • Protection: Rose quartz acts as a protective shield against environmental pollutants and replaces negative energies with loving vibes.

  • Use: Incorporating rose quartz into daily rituals, such as meditation or placing it in living spaces, can attract love and maintain harmonious relationships.

  • Care: To cleanse and recharge rose quartz, it's recommended to smoke cleanse or place it under the moonlight, ensuring its energies remain potent.


  • Meaning: Opalite is a stone of inspiration that enhances imagination and creativity, often referred to as the "Eye Stone" for its ability to foster deep introspection and emotional clarity.

  • Healing Properties: Opalite possesses healing energies that can help to soothe and clear the emotional body, bringing a sense of calm, security, and inner peace.

  • Protection: This stone serves as a protective shield against negative energies, absorbing and reflecting harmful thoughts and intentions back to their source.

  • Use: Opalites can be worn as jewelry, placed on the chakras during meditation, or kept in the home to harness their transformative energies and invite positive vibrations.

  • Care: To maintain the vibrancy and power of opalite stones, it's essential to cleanse them regularly, either by placing them under the light of the full moon or by using other crystals like clear quartz.


  • Meaning: Angelite, a form of gypsum, is a soft pale blue crystal that symbolizes soothing and peaceful energy.

  • Healing Properties: This crystal aids in connecting with the Angel realm, enhancing dreams, intuition, self-expression, and promoting an expanded peace of mind.

  • Protection: Angelite serves as an in-depth cleanser of negative energy, fostering connections with spirit guides, guardian angels, and facilitating astral travel and telepathic communication.

  • Use: Angelite can be worn as jewelry, placed in homes for Feng Shui practices, or used in spiritual rituals to enhance spiritual awareness and promote lucid dreaming.

  • Care: Being a soft stone, Angelite should be cleansed gently using sage smoke or brief immersion in spring water, and can be charged under the full moon or with crystal clusters.

Tiger Eye

  • Meaning: Tiger eye is a powerful stone that aids in releasing fear and anxiety, promoting mental clarity, and grounding the energies of the sun and earth.

  • Healing Properties: The stone is believed to heal the emotional body, mend broken relationships, and bring insight into internal conflicts.

  • Protection: Tiger eye serves as a protective shield against negative energies, helping to ward off the evil eye and other malevolent forces.

  • Usage: It can be worn as jewelry, placed in the home or office, or used in meditation to harness its energy and connect with its grounding properties.

  • Care: To cleanse and recharge the tiger eye, it's recommended to place it in sunlight or smoke cleanse.


  • Meaning: Amethyst is a semiprecious stone with a vitreous or glassy luster. It often comes in shades of violet and purple. The meaning of Amethyst is spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom.

  • Healing Properties: On a physical level, Amethyst is also associated with healthy cell regeneration, encouraging soothing sleep and rest, and promoting hormonal balance. As Amethyst helps balance metabolism and positively serves the endocrine system, the body finds its inner harmony and doesn’t go too crazy on the cortisol production – which dramatically cuts down on stress and tension. Along with all of this, the purplish hue of Amethyst also ensures that the body, mind and soul remain cleansed and detoxified. For those who struggle with a foggy head or migraines, then Amethyst can also help clear those clouds away.

  • Use: Amethyst is one of the best crystals to use as a meditation aid. The stone hums with an energy that encourages the monkey mind to surrender and be still. With Amethyst close by during meditation the third eye and crown chakra are sure to open, clearing the way for the powers of the universe to seep straight through and give guidance. For those who aren’t wearing an Amethyst amulet, hold a piece or cluster of Amethyst in the left-hand during meditation.

  • Care: One way to clear crystals is with vocal toning. While it’s not important to hit an exact note, it’s important to hold the Amethyst, take a deep breath and envision something that fills the soul with clear pure energy. With the exhale, make a tonal sound that communicates this. It is also common to use a singing bowl, gong or drum instead of the voice.


  • Meaning: Carnelian crystals are celebrated for their rich, vibrant energy that stimulates courage, motivation, and other positive life choices.

  • Healing Properties: Carnelian is believed to stimulate the metabolism, aid in fertility issues, and enhance the absorption of vitamins and minerals while also providing emotional warmth and support.

  • Protection: The crystal is touted as a shield that wards off envy, rage, and resentment, whether it's coming from you or being sent to you, ensuring emotional stability.

  • Usage: Carnelian can be used in various forms like jewelry or simply kept in a space, and it's especially beneficial for those who need to boost their confidence and bring a surge of warmth and joy into their spiritual practice.

  • Care: Carnelian can be cleansed and recharged by placing it under running water and then allowing it to soak up the sun’s rays or moonlight.

Clear Quartz

  • Meaning: Clear quartz, often referred to as the "Master Healer," is known for its ability to clear the mind of negativity and enhance higher spiritual receptiveness.

  • Healing Properties: It is renowned for its purported ability to heal any condition, as it aims to provide higher energy levels, improve the immune system, and balance out the entire body.

  • Protection: Clear quartz is believed to shield against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain, and it is often used in meditation to filter out distractions.

  • Usage: People utilize clear quartz to aid in spiritual growth, healing, and manifesting goals by either wearing it, meditating with it, or placing it in their living spaces.

  • Care: To care for clear quartz, it should be cleansed and recharged regularly, which can be done by smudging with sage, bathing it in sunlight or moonlight, or placing it on a selenite charging plate.


  • Meaning: Selenite, named after the Greek goddess of the moon Selene, is renowned for its luminosity and is often associated with purity, peace, and higher consciousness.

  • Healing Properties: The crystal is believed to have the power to cleanse and charge other crystals, clear blockages in your energy field, and direct high-frequency energy into the body, promoting spiritual growth and mental clarity.

  • Protection: Selenite is touted as a protective stone that shields a person or space from outside influences and is especially useful for warding off harmful spirits and providing a safe, peaceful environment.

  • Usage: It can be utilized in various ways, such as in meditation to connect with one's guides, as a wand to clear energy fields, or placed around the home to foster a peaceful atmosphere and protect against negative energy.

  • Care: Selenite is a soft and delicate crystal that should be kept dry and cleansed energetically, rather than with water, to maintain its integrity and vibrational properties.

Blue Calcite

  • Meaning: Calcite, available in various shades, is a carbonate mineral known for its energy-amplifying properties and is symbolically recognized for strength of spirit and energy.

  • Healing Properties: Calcite is celebrated for its ability to clear out blockages, activate chakras, and prepare the body, mind, and spirit for higher spiritual connection, while also offering physical benefits like detoxifying organs and supporting the skeletal system.

  • Protection: This crystal, especially in its orange variant, is known to radiate positivity, amplify energy, and protect the user from negativity, while also fostering emotional intelligence and mental clarity.

  • Usage: Calcite can be utilized in various forms like jewelry and tumbled stones, and it can be placed in homes or offices to enhance communication and harmony, or used in meditation to connect with higher spiritual planes.

  • Care: To maintain its vibrant energy, Calcite should be cleansed using warm water and a soft cloth and can be charged by exposing it to sunlight or placing it in crystal clusters.

Blue Topaz

  • Meaning: Blue Topaz, a member of the topaz family, symbolizes communication and action, and its blue hue ranges from pale to deep blue.

  • Healing Properties: Blue Topaz offers physical healing by alleviating migraines, soothing sore throats, and relieving stress, while also enhancing communication, focus, and self-worth on a mental and emotional level.

  • Protection: Historically, Blue Topaz was believed to possess the power to break curses and counteract spells, signifying its protective strength against negative energies.

  • Usage: Whether adorned as jewelry or placed in homes and offices, Blue Topaz fosters creativity, communication, and clarity, making it especially favored by writers and those seeking harmonious interactions.

  • Care: To maintain its vibrancy, Blue Topaz should be gently cleansed with soapy water and a soft cloth, and can be recharged by exposing it to sunlight for a few hours.


  • Meaning: Apatite is a stone that embodies the spirit of truth and communication, resonating with the throat chakra and promoting a free flow of honesty.

  • Healing Properties: It offers healing properties that enhance calm communication, social ease, and the awakening of creativity, often referred to as the Stone of Manifestation.

  • Protection: Apatite provides protective energy by fostering confidence and the ability to express oneself, making it ideal for those who feel unheard.

  • Usage: The crystal can be used in various forms, including jewelry or as a tool for setting intentions, to maintain a close connection with its calming and creative energies.

  • Care: Care for apatite involves keeping it close in daily life, such as wearing it or placing it in a sacred space, to harness its full potential and strength.


  • Meaning: Goldstone is a man-made glass that symbolizes ambition, inspiration, and the power of creativity and self-belief.

  • Healing Properties: It revitalizes the mind and body, encourages healthy circulation, and supports tissue regeneration with the energy-conducting properties of copper.

  • Protection: Goldstone offers protective energy, especially for travelers, by surrounding the aura with a shield and bouncing back negative energy.

  • Usage: Wearing Goldstone against the skin can enhance confidence and strength, and placing it in a workspace can restore motivation and focus.

  • Care: Cleanse Goldstone by running it under tepid water to release energetic build-up and use a soft cloth or brush for a deeper clean.


  • Meaning: Morganite, often found in shades of pale pink, purple, and orange, symbolizes heart healing and manifestation, inviting divine love and compassion into one's life.

  • Healing Properties: This crystal is renowned for its physical healing properties, such as stabilizing the nervous system, ensuring heart health, and enhancing respiratory function, as well as its emotional healing properties, which involve nurturing self-love, self-respect, and self-care.

  • Protection: Morganite is a protective stone that helps to manage stress, soothe the system, and also safeguards the heart by maintaining its health and countering palpitations.

  • Usage: Morganite can be used in various forms such as jewelry, in Feng Shui practices at home and office to enhance love and emotional balance, and is also associated with zodiac signs Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer to amplify their respective traits.

  • Care: To care for Morganite, cleanse it with clean running water and a touch of soap, dry it with a soft cloth, and recharge its energy by placing it in bright sunlight for a day or two.

Blue Kyanite

  • Meaning: Kyanite is an aluminosilicate mineral known for logical thinking and healing, often found in shades of blue, green, black, and orange.

  • Healing Properties: Kyanite offers physical healing by relieving pain, lowering blood pressure, and aiding recovery from trauma, while also calming the mind and aiding in dream recall and self-expression.

  • Protection: With its high vibrations, Kyanite helps in clearing blockages, fostering strong connections, and ensuring kind and compassionate communication.

  • Usage: Kyanite can be used in jewelry, placed in homes and offices to enhance communication and harmony, and is associated with the zodiac signs of Taurus, Aries, and Libra.

  • Care: Kyanite doesn't cling to negative energy and can be cleansed by running it under tepid or cool water, and recharged by placing it in a natural bowl covered with water.


  • Meaning: Citrine, often referred to as the "Merchant's Stone," is believed to carry the power of the sun, bringing energy, creativity, and clarity to the wearer.

  • Healing Properties: The healing properties of citrine include its ability to cleanse the chakras, especially the solar plexus and navel chakras, and to promote self-healing of the wearer.

  • Protection: Citrine is known for its protective qualities, such as guarding against negative energy and promoting a sense of security and confidence.

  • Usage: Usage of citrine can range from wearing it as jewelry, placing it in the home or workspace, or using it in meditation to attract abundance and personal empowerment.

  • Care: To care for citrine, it's advisable to cleanse it regularly under running water, recharge it in sunlight, and store it in a dry, dark place when not in use.


  • Meaning: Jade is a symbol of purity, serenity, and nurturing, often associated with the heart chakra for its ability to attract love and dispel negativity.

  • Healing Properties: This stone is believed to promote physical healing, especially for the kidneys, and to enhance the body's filtration and elimination processes.

  • Protection: Jade acts as a protective stone, guarding against accidents and misfortune, while also blocking negative influences and discouraging harmful decision-making.

  • Usage: People wear jade as jewelry, place it in their homes or offices for positive energy, and use it in meditation to connect with inner peace and wisdom.

  • Care: To maintain its vibrancy and potency, jade should be cleansed regularly, either by placing it under moonlight, using smudging techniques, or immersing it in salt water.


  • Meaning: Tanzanite is a transformative gemstone that facilitates inner calm, dissolves old patterns, and stimulates psychic abilities and higher consciousness.

  • Healing Properties: It offers physical healing by boosting the immune system, aiding detoxification, and providing strength during recovery from illnesses or surgeries.

  • Protection: As a beacon of serenity, Tanzanite instills confidence, helps overcome fears and anxieties, and promotes calmness.

  • Usage: Wearable as jewelry for close energetic contact, especially beneficial for the throat and third eye chakras, or placeable in living spaces to enhance communication and spiritual work.

  • Care: Cleanse with tepid water or a soft brush, and recharge its energy with moonlight, earth burial, or near cleansing crystals like Clear Quartz.


  • Meaning: Larimar symbolizes clear communication and inner wisdom, embodying tranquil energies of the sky and sea.

  • Healing Properties: It offers soothing strength and cleansing energy, aiding in stress relief, high blood pressure, and skin conditions, while also enhancing communication.

  • Protection: Larimar is known for its calming presence, providing courage, balancing emotions, and leading away from self-sabotaging thoughts.

  • Usage: Best worn against the skin, Larimar jewelry supports throat chakra health and can be placed in living spaces for serenity and improved communication.

  • Care: Cleanse with running water without soaking and charge away from direct sunlight to prevent fading, using soil or smudging as safe methods.


  • Meaning: Malachite is known as the "Stone of Transformation" and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.

  • Healing Properties: This crystal aids in stimulating the heart chakra, absorbing negative energies, and pollutants from the body and environment.

  • Protection: Malachite serves as a guardian of the heart, offering protection from negative energies, electromagnetic pollution, and harmful radiation.

  • Usage: Wear malachite as jewelry or place it in your home to harness its transformative and protective energies.

  • Care: To cleanse and recharge malachite, place it on a selenite charging plate or keep it away from water to maintain its luster and power.


  • Meaning: Rhodonite, derived from the Greek word "Rhodon" meaning rose, is a manganese silicate mineral that symbolizes compassion and love, often found in shades varying from pale pink to deep red.

  • Healing Properties: Rhodonite is celebrated for its emotional and spiritual healing prowess, helping to dissolve walls around the heart, fostering self-love, and guiding individuals towards their higher truth.

  • Protection: With its strong connection to the heart chakra, Rhodonite aids in overcoming emotional wounds, fostering unconditional love, and promoting mutual understanding in relationships.

  • Usage: Whether worn as jewelry or placed in homes, Rhodonite radiates love, balances yin and yang energies, and strengthens bonds, especially in intimate spaces.

  • Care: To maintain its healing properties, Rhodonite should be cleansed with soapy water and a soft cloth, occasionally rinsed under running water, and can be charged by placing it near Amethyst or in morning sunlight.


  • Meaning: Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that's known to shield against negativity and bring clarity to the mind.

  • Healing Properties: The stone aids in digestion, detoxification, and can reduce arthritis pain, joint problems, and cramps.

  • Protection: Obsidian acts as a protective shield against psychic attacks, negative energies, and emotional harm.

  • Usage: People often use obsidian in meditation, dream work, and for its ability to clear confusion and promote emotional well-being.

  • Care: To cleanse and recharge obsidian, it's recommended to place it in a bowl of water with a few drops of essential oil or under the moonlight.


  • Meaning: Peridot, known for its glimmering green hue, symbolizes purpose and focus, and is revered for its summer spirit, good-luck vibes, and ability to instill a sense of calm and safety.

  • Healing Properties: This gemstone is believed to offer physical healing benefits such as detoxification, cell regeneration, metabolism enhancement, and alleviation of skin problems, along with mental and emotional healing by stabilizing moods, reducing jealousy, resentment, and encouraging a positive outlook.

  • Protection: Historically prized by high priests and kings, Peridot is said to ward off evil spirits and negative emotions, providing a protective shield against harmful energies.

  • Usage: Peridot can be utilized in various ways including as jewelry for direct skin contact, or placed in homes and offices to promote Feng Shui, bringing joy, compassion, and harmony to the environment.

  • Care: To maintain its energy and luster, Peridot should be cleansed regularly with warm soapy water, rinsed thoroughly, and can be recharged by placing it in direct moonlight, while avoiding extreme temperature changes and rough handling.

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